Garden Conservancy Tour 2014 – Part I

I’m just back from a trip to upstate (middle?) New York for a visit to six spectacular gardens.  I thought I would chronicle them here in six parts.  These were private gardens that were open to visitors as part of the Garden Conservancy’s Open Days Program.  Three were close to Hudson, NY, and the others were in North Salem, NY.


Margaret Roach’s garden in Copake Falls is one I’ve written about before (see here) when we visited about five years ago and it was nice to see it again.  Like all of us, Margaret is trying to balance plant passion and taking care of a large garden with aging hands, backs and knees.  You wouldn’t know it though because her beds are still beautifully edged and dressed, the veggie garden full and orderly and her pots carefully placed and ready for the season.




It is so rewarding to be able to catch a glimpse into the world of other gardeners.  Thank you Margaret for opening up your private space to hoards of admirers and their heavy, sometimes clumsy feet.
